
Unique academy books for mpsc
Unique academy books for mpsc

unique academy books for mpsc

Shah | BC Publication | Benison Publication | BH | Bhanna Publishers | Biotech | Birla | Biztantra | Books and Allied | BPB | BSP | Butterworth Heinemann | Buzzing Stock Publisher | Cambridge | Career | CBS | Cengage | Charotar | Computech | Concept | CRC Press | Dayal | Denett | Dhanpat Rai | Dhawan | Diamond | Dnyansankul | Doaba House | Dreamtech | East West Press | EB | Elsevier | Finite to Infinite | Frank Bros & Co | Frontline | Galgotia | Garland | Goel | Himalaya Publishing House | Hiremath | Humana | IK | Innovative | Insight | International Book House | Jai Prakash | JAICO | Jain Brothers | Jain Prakashan | Jawahar | In short, the Academy aspires to make a robust intervention at the level of both state and the civil society, in order to bring about a progressive change.AITBS | Academic Press | Affiliated East West | Allied Publishers | AMEXCEL | ANE Books | Anmol Publication | APH Asian | AtmaRam & Sons | B. The Academy is also broadening its horizons and aims to work in the field of Media and Journalism, Policy Research, Maharashtra Study Centre, Training of political representatives, political activists, office bearers of political parties and their youth wings as well as bureaucrats etc. In other words, it prepares the student to succeed in any competitive exam per say. Unique Academy along with coaching, also offers personal guidance to each individual student on holistic development of his/her personality. Through its meticulously designed courses, activities and publications the Unique Academy provides relevant and pragmatic guidance to the students. The Unique Academy also publishes useful study material and books with a special focus on Marathi medium students apart from running a book store for easy and convenient access of relevant UPSC/MPSC related books for students.

#Unique academy books for mpsc free#

Apart from taking regular batches for UPSC/ MPSC examinations and IAS Foundation Course, the Academy is busy organizing free workshops, seminars, conferences, lecture series by successful candidates along with the much reputed Friday Frontline. In order to realize its objective of shaping up sensitive and socially committed bureaucrats, especially from the hitherto marginalized sections of the society, the Academy is constantly engaged in the task of spreading the awareness of competitive exams in the nooks and corners of Maharashtra, especially in rural areas so that more and more students can become successful in them. The motto of the Academy “ empowerment through knowledge” manifests this very ethos of the Academy.

unique academy books for mpsc

Thus, for the Academy, coaching for civil services is a means to bring about a positive change in bureaucracy and thereby in the society at large. With such noble intentions at heart, the Unique Academy decided to focus on enabling aspirants to make successful careers in state and central Civil services. Hence the Academy strives hard to send socially sensitive and responsive candidates in the civil services so that they can make every effort to change the ‘system’ from within. For, they can ensure that the system doesn’t become exploitative, but becomes more responsive, responsible and humane. It is equally necessary that the future Indian leadership, the decision makers, should hail from the hitherto marginalized, deprived and oppressed sections of the society. The Unique Academy strongly believes that if the real empowerment of the teeming millions has to materialize rapidly, the polity and society have to be sensitive towards the prevailing injustices, inequalities, and oppression in the society. For this to happen, the Academy believes, it is very necessary that the deprived sections of society have to be empowered in the real sense of the term. Moreover, it aims at eradication of all such divides. The Unique Academy is sincerely committed towards the goal of an egalitarian and democratic society where the discriminatory walls between rich and poor, urban and rural, upper and lower castes, men and women, English speaking and vernacular etc don’t inhibit the opportunities for development of one’s inner potential.

Unique academy books for mpsc